A few Aussie-isms
Whoop Whoop: I want to live in the heart of the city, not way out in whoop whoop.
Hard Yakka: If you want to succeed, you have to be willing to put in the hard yakka (work).
Cuppa: Hey Ed, are you busy or would you be interested in a cuppa? (cup of tea etc.)
Esky: Make sure you close the esky (cooler) tightly or all the ice will melt.
Arvo: Do we have to do it this morning, can't it wait until arvo. (afternoon)
Goodonya: Goodonya mate! (good one, well done)
Troppo: Oh oh, Ed's lost it... he's gone troppo! (gone mad from overexposure to the heat)
Have (take) a slosh: Whew, I'll be back in a minute, I have to go have a slosh. (go to the bathroom).
....and my personal favorite....
Bob's your uncle: Hey, just concentrate, get this done and do a good job, then Bob's your uncle (no problem, you're all set)