Schapelle Corby Conviction

Schapelle Corby Conviction
Originally uploaded by ed_roth.
O.K. - for those of you outside of Australia, or at least in the U.S., I don't think you've heard too much about this (or anything as far as I can tell by reading the NY Times and Detroit Free Press headlines). But the gross oversimiplification is something like this:
In October 2004, Schapelle Corby, a young Australian, was going on holiday in Bali (Indonesia) and when she went through customs, they discovered 4 kilos of marijuana in one of her bags. She was arrested, tried, and was convicted last week for which she could receive a maximum penalty of execution. Well, despite what many (not all, but many) see as at least reasonable doubt because of so many holes in the prosecution's case, she was convicted anyway and sentenced to 20 years in Indonesian prison. It has easily been the biggest story in Australia for... I don't know, but several weeks now and it has sparked such outrage in some Australians, that they have called the Red Cross and another similar organization and demanded the money they donated in support of Indonesia following the tsunami, be refunded to them. I cannot include all of the details, as there actually are some people, some Australians included, who believe she may actually be guilty - Read in the Brisbane Courier Mail for a more complete description and analysis of the story.
I am truly amazed at how many people refuse to believe she might actually be guilty OR understand how she could be considered guilty.
Yes the prosecution did have some significant holes, but the Indonesian system is guilty until proven innocent,as in many other countries; and she did have over 4 kgs of marijuana in her bag, and didn't have any locks on the bag.
AND to ask for money DONATED to help those whose lives detroyed by a natural disaaster, to "spite"those who made a decision you don't believe is accurate OR fair, is beyond childish, & certainly beyond reason.
And to not go there MAY slightly impact the Indonesian economy, BUT the country of over 190 million people does not live solely on tourism from a country of 19 million people. Not buying a cheap shirt is going to hurt the people who need it not the judges, or policy makers; and certainly not stop those that are really (probably) guilty: the baggage handlers and airport personnel IN Australia, where it probably did orginate
Note to all NBA players, just because your sneakers are made there, DO NOT GO TO INDONESIA!!! This also goes for Dave Chappelle and Cheech and Chong. I don't advocate the Chronic but c'mon man, it's just a little weed. That is just ridiculous. Where did these police learn how to do their jobs? L.A.P.D.???
For those of you in the U.S. (or likely, anywhere outside of this part of the world) ... see what I mean? This has been and continues to be a very 'hot button' topic here in Australia.
I've been hearing about this case from Australian friends but it has not been a widely publicized case here in Japan.
Thailand is another country that has extremely strict drug smuggling/use laws, very similar to Indonesia. Just the other day there was a documentary on about life in one particular prison in Thailand for foreigners who had been sentenced for drug smuggling (maybe because of this case?). Many of the people who were there, were there for life.
I also heard the other day that a "suspicious substance" was sent through the mail to the Indonesia embassy in Australia which had to close...definitely a case with a lot of strong feelings.
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