Grace's New Glasses

Originally uploaded by ed_roth.
Look how gorgeous my niece is! She got her first pair of glasses last week and is trying to get used to them. Now those, are blue eyes.
Definitely feeling tired tonight (almost all day today). I haven't been sleeping all that much/well lately and this weekend there really wasn't much of a break. I hosted an all-day conference this Saturday for the Queensland Association of Music Therapists. My friend David also gave an overview of anatomy/kinesiology so I got to take about a 90-minute break and all went very well - they told me it was the best attended professional development event in the last two years. But I'm whipped now - this is not a good sign as I need to be accelerating the pace of productivity as Karen and kids will be on the way in two and a half weeks. Now THAT is something to get energetic about!
Oh, she's going to driving the boys crazy when she gets older.
Beautiful eyes!! :) Yep! 2 1/2 weeks til the invasion!!! Can't wait!
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