So Much Stuff Going On

Originally uploaded by ed_roth.
Well, here's a picture of my cousin Aaron in Iraq. I wish I could tell you exactly how long he's been over there - it seems to me about 2 and a half months now. If any of you reading this know differently, just post it as a comment.
Also got an e-mail from Karen's Mom today with a link to the orphanage she spent part of her time working at during a recent mission trip to Haiti. Incredible simultaneously heartbreaking and hopeful information with a chance to learn and help if you're interested.
I won't derail completely, but after seeing yet another Vietnam documentary on Friday night, this picture of my cousin in Iraq, and the e-mail from my mother-in-law regarding the tragedy(ies) taking place in Haiti, you can't help but wonder if there really is any order in the world. Why do some get sooooo much and so many have sooooo little? Sorry. Anyway... back to more meaningless blogging.
Well, it seems like there were other people relaxing this weekend including a few relaxing wannabees based on the number of comments to Saturday's lazy blog. Sunday wasn't much more active - well, did laundry and went for a nice run - best run since I've been down under which you can read about at Two Fools Running if you'd like. I got to work today and saw 82 e-mails in my inbox - of which - 63 were junk - some crazy e-mail snafu, but still, it took well over two hours to reply to all of the remaining e-mails as many of them were from current WMU students trying to get their thesis either wrapped up or just getting started. Also I posted a few photos from Saturday's lazy ramblings which you can find by clicking here and clicking on the Australia album when you get there. Be well gang.
Hope you cousing stays safe while he's there. War is hell.
Hope Aaron gets home safe, and without having been involved or exposed to too much horror or atrocities.
I know I was happy when my brother got back safe after 9 months over there.
Regarding why many have so much, and so so many have so little, is beyond my comprehension, but can say many with significant material wealth not truly (internally) satisfied; and those with virtually no, or minimal, material possessions often are truly content.
But back to the WHY.... I can only think it is not neccessarily our capacity, in this go around, to understand; BUT "simply" to enjoy and ACCEPT what we do have, and are capable of achieving
Aaron is so far in a tower keeping watch, and keeping in touch through email.. It is a Blessing that he is able to do that. He turned 23 on Mothers Day. ;-)
Thinking of your cousin!
BTW, I just put up a link on my blog about the orphanage too...great minds think alike. :)
Thanks, Ed, for putting the orphanage link up. I used to wonder if the things I would see in pictures like these were real.....they are.
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