The Roths Down Under

A collection of daily events, activities, thoughts and reflections. Check back often as we will update our log every day or so. Don't forget to stay in touch by clicking on the comment link below each daily entry!

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Location: Kalamazoo, Michigan, United States

A young family having many "adventures of a lifetime!" Ed, Karen, Eddie & Heather


Tuesday, May 10, 2005

A "Cuppa" Things

Just a few random things. A few weeks ago, one of my colleagues here asked me if I wanted a "cuppa". I asked her, "a cuppa what?" which of course made her laugh out loud at me because ..... "cuppa" is understood to mean a cup of tea, or maybe if you know the person you're asking is a coffee fan, that it could mean a cup of coffee also. Cuppa - there's your new Aussie word for the day. I love it!

My parents just got back from a vacation in Arizona (Sedona/Phoenix area) - they loved it so much they bought a time share down there! Congrats to them and welcome home!

A week ago or so I saw a man and his son walk into a grocery store barefoot. I asked Dave about it and he said it's not common (they were the first two I had seen) but it's not necessarily rare either. Then, last night I went to a different grocery store, one in Indooroopilly (the mall) and there was a man completely barefoot - in a mall! And this is no rinky dink country mall - it's about the size of the Galleria in White Plains or Fairlane mall in Dearborn. I guess unless you post a "No Shoes, No Shirt, No Service".... there's "no worries".

31 more days until they get here - 1 month!


Blogger kuri, ping, the pinglet, & mini-ping said...

I've heard of a "cuppa", but didn't know that it meant a "cup of tea". I knew it was a "cup of...something". :) Thanks for the heads-up!

12:35 PM  
Blogger Jon (was) in Michigan said...

Oh, Ed, you gotta go barefoot in the malls, man. This is your chance to work on the barefoot running and walking barefoot is how you start. The Barefoot Runner (Ken Bob Saxton) would be so happy there.

11:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah damn, I'm surprised you don't start to use "cuppa" as like the new Australian Knock Knock jokes.

Hey man you want a cuppa? A cuppa what? A cuppa these across your lips. - Fred Sanford.

Hey man you want a cuppa? A cuppa what? A cuppa quarters to buy some deodorant you stinkin' bastard!

To an Aussie: Would you like a cuppa? Sure I would. Then piss in a tea cup and hand it to them. Here you go mate! Guess you should be a little more specific next time. :)

Hope all is going well for you Batman. GO PISTONS!!!

4:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ANd the new word for today is...... Pretty cool. Keep them coming. Can't wait to hear it for myself.

10:38 AM  

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