The Campfires of Gentle People
Some are pragmatic From a WWII veteran: "I believe you only have today. Stick your teeth in, smile, and get on with it."
Some are quaint: "I believe in dogs' faces when you put on running shoes"
Some are complex: From a detective: "I believe in pure evil and the unlimited capacity for man to commit unspeakable horrors on others and especially children. I believe that people 'can' die of a broken heart. I believe in the smell of boxing gyms. I believe in the sun even when it isn't shining. I believe in love, even when I feel it not. I believe in God, even when he is silent".
Some are funny: I believed in love until that last stinking mongrel left me and took the (car). So now I believe in Karma...cos it blew up just outside (the city)!
Some are born from facing ugliness: From a policeman: "I believe that smiles melt people and that eyes smile. I believe that every day could be your last and you should live life as if it is."
Ms. Noonan ends with: "Sure, winter is nearly here. The days darken early. Firewood is on sale around town. The headlines make you doubt the goodness of governments and individuals. But there's warmth and light in the campfires of gentle people.
A few of my own:
I believe in the purity of a child's love.
I believe that the only thing evil needs to fluorish is for goodness to be idle.
I believe strength and tenderness can occur simultaneously ~ ask my father-in-law, he'll show you.
I believe in the stillness of nature.
I believe there are angels among us.