The Roths Down Under

A collection of daily events, activities, thoughts and reflections. Check back often as we will update our log every day or so. Don't forget to stay in touch by clicking on the comment link below each daily entry!

My Photo
Location: Kalamazoo, Michigan, United States

A young family having many "adventures of a lifetime!" Ed, Karen, Eddie & Heather


Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Back to Two Fools

Hey there, to all the RBF (running blog family for the unitiated) crew, I am going back to my running blog Two Fools Running for all future posts. At some point I will add one last post to this site, for our family as a synopis of sorts of the whole 4 months away and print it to be added to our "Australia keepsake box".

So, you can join Jeff as he trains for the C.R.I.M. (10-mile "Coolest Race In Michigan) and me as I get ready for the Detroit Freepress/Flagstar Bank Marathon. We'll be running it again in a 5-person relay the same way we did last year, although, it looks like the team will get shaken up a bit as one runner has declined this year and at least one other is questionable.

See you all back at Two Fools Running!