The Roths Down Under

A collection of daily events, activities, thoughts and reflections. Check back often as we will update our log every day or so. Don't forget to stay in touch by clicking on the comment link below each daily entry!

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Location: Kalamazoo, Michigan, United States

A young family having many "adventures of a lifetime!" Ed, Karen, Eddie & Heather


Wednesday, April 20, 2005

The Bats

I have a new technique to handle the bats(747's) that are flying around at night. Basically, as soon as I get off the bus, I turn my iPod up REALLY loud, put my head down, and don't look up until I get home. However...
Last night, I got complacent, because my strategy had been working so well. I looked up and saw one of those monstrosities flash in and out of the street light a few times. The whole way home I kept my head down, music blaring, and just said, "oh shit, oh shit, oh shit" the whole way home!


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